Monday, January 11, 2010

I lost my map...

Yeah, I mean the visitor map... where it used to show millions and billions of my visitors (I can say any number I want now). Turns out yesterday they archived it because I had completed an year with them. Ummmm.. I can understand that I guess. Just keep on adding red dots to that map & all what will be left soon is just red dots and no map (maybe not with the nuber of visits I used to get). Why is it important?? To see who all are visting you and from where, to cater to taste of your audience, to brag about your number of visits on the blog (if it's good, or just lie if you can)... but honestly just because it's cool to have it. Well as anything else, or manythings else... a new vistor map has started and hope it does even better than the last one. Until then, Thanks a lot all my dear visitors & readers!!

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