Sunday, January 10, 2010

First lecture/class of College in US

I had my first lecture/class for my MS course today (Saturday, 01/09 actually. So it is technically yesterday but I am still up tonight!!). How was it?? Ummmm.. let's see. Turns out there is no public conveyence on weekends in the area where I live in Herndon. Only one bus runs i.e. Fairfax connector 950, and I am not on there route. What do they expect? That no one dares to go anywhere on the weekends in my area? Or we can work on weekdays but just sit at home in wekeends, unless I have a car or enough money to take a cab/taxi? I don't know... Again, my friends came to my rescure and my dear friend Harish picked/dropped me for today. So... I need a car or need to change the place. Considering the fact that I found this place after so much trouble & pain (everything I do is a lot of pain & effort ofcourse!!), I'll try to stick to the place for now and look for a Car. That's the dilemna of living in US, you NEED a CAR. You can only survive without a car in Big Cities, like New York or Boston or Chicago or maybe DC. That too only if you have to travel or commute inside the city. As soon as you step out side the city you are lost...

Well.. the first class was fine actually. No ragging for sure, that's an Indian thing it seems.Bad thing is I won't get to rag my juniors as well. The classrooms were usual and our first class was actually in the library. The young professor introduced us to hismelf and the course. He just took 1 hour out of 4 hours allocated to him so we got free early. There was only half attendance which was surprising but cool. He said that he'll usually take 2 hour classes only & I am happy about that too. Nothing special again though. Just a cool day... Take Care!!

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