Sunday, January 09, 2011

Second weekend of the year... PS3 & SONY

Well-well... the second weekend was spent mostly sleeping (after the Times Square Ball Drop expedition plus being sick weekend)... and doing NOTHING.... Hope I am okay... what else I've done.... nothing actually.. didnt even manage to clean my place.. which I am supposed to do for LONG time... Watched the JETS game at a bar y'day night, JETS won so ppl were happy. I wouldnt care much.. but I've been to a JETS game with my friend (& they won, every time I watch.. they WIN) so now I am kinda interested. Been watching movies on NETFLIX too, FUN.

Also went to Sony Wonder Technology lab to watch there free movie. But even this 2nd time couldnt make it. They were sold out 15 mins before the show. HUH!!!! I was checking games for my new PS3.. so expensive!!! & MOVE is $100+.. no wonder how they make money. And I dont understand why do they have a device for just games (PS3) & another for internet TV (Google TV).... you should integrate it into one... NO??? I checked some SONY TVs too, wanna buy a TV, 32" or 40"??? Suggestions?? Should I get 3D TV now? looked at one 40" & was 1100 or so.. looked nice... I like SONY, they gotta do better for me :)

Anyways... that's it for NOW. rest, rest & rest... Hope y'all doing good so far...... Thanks again for reading & Happy New Year 2011.... cant believe its 2011!!!!

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