Friday, January 21, 2011

life sucks..... but so what?? suck it up, it might taste good!!!

Am I right or what?? I just made it up... totally!! Some of u, my fans & foollowers & lovers will love this. And my haters & others might hate it... That's ;ife too. But every other day we feel that life sucks, soooo much. But then what? You think you are alone? You think you are the only one suffering? Why ME?? Isn't that the question all the time?? But..... have you tried looking at others, th eothers who are suffering much more.. or just at yourself sometimes... how much you might have suffered in the past, but this one isn't that bad... or could've been worse!! I mean, c'mon... give it a shot.. go with the flow, just do it, live it.. suck it up!! It might taste good!!!! Many times in life we just don't do things.... don't take that extra step... & keep sulking about it.... to feel that what only if we would've done it. How would you know if you don't try?? Most of th etimes the thing sre already bad enough that your small attempt can not make it worse... or even if there is a risk, is it worth taking? What's the trade-off?? Life is a business everyday, and you make right decisions to keep going, keep moving & being successful!! Or even if not, then at least keep learning, getting better... isn't that what life is all about???? life sucks..... but so what?? suck it up, it might taste good!!!

So... week's been okay so far.. not bad not too good or special either. NYC is not really good with handling snow. It snows & not gets cleaned/cleared like Boston or others. It's kinda surprising. Anything else special/cool... ummm.. nope. So thanks for visiting & reading. Please come back & comment too, it would be nice to know what u think & interact. Good Luck until next time... B'bye & Take Care!!

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