Monday, May 02, 2011

Obama: Osama Bin Laden's DEAD

Obama declared the BIG NEWS: Osama Bin Laden's DEAD!! People all over USA were celebrating, gathered near WHite house, WTC Center & Times Square. And considering I live blocks away from Times Square I thought it would be a shame if I don't show up, so I did. However, I was scared to walk up there as a "brown guy". I thought, I have been learning spanish so I could pull off the Espanol!! Anyways, I went & came back safe, so it wasn't that bad for sure, right? It was alright actually. Looked really GRAND on TV, as most of the things do, specially when they are on FOX NEWS. That's all FOX news was showing and making sure they don't mention Obama's name or give him any credit. NY1 was there too. In reality there were lemurly (i.e. barely) 20 people there, on the south end of Times Square. Cabs/Cars were honking, some waving American Flag. It was still cool. Celebrating the win of USA over Al Qaeda & terrorism. Thanks to President Obama, his team & the soldiers who pulled this off & made it happen. BTW, lots of news/questions/speculations going around since & will be going around for quite a while....
  • Is Osama REALLY Dead? I don't know... Obama declared the news so I'll assume its true, right?
  • Pakistan was hiding & supporting him? NO COMMENTS. I mean, he was found hiding there next to the big Military Training camp or something. Been living there for YEARS. What do you think...
  • Is Al Qaeda & Terrorism finished now? Dunno, I don't think so. But it's a BIG step & great win. It will become Al-Qaedead soon & so will terrorism. AMEN!!
  • Are we in danger of retaliation from this? Hope NOT. I have seen heightened security & stuff and I understand the concerns. I am too. But hopefully everything  will be alright... AMEN!!!!
Weather was alright over weekend but lil chilly AGAIN on sunday night. SUCKS... I am on a 4 week diet starting yesterday, will share more later/soon. Until then... Happy reading.. Thanks... & JAI HO!!


Anonymous said...

I too want to reflect upon it.
-America spent huge amount to capture 1 person(albeit they US was under recession).

-Oil traders expected retaliation from terrorists and hike in oil prices that didnt happen, so they loose money(what an expectation though!!).

- Pak dazzled at the happenings.

-As usual Pak. creating confusion and wouldn't miss a chance to threaten India or to blame it.

-The best part of all is that PEOPLE ARE HAPPIER!!! abt it.

Hope that happiness increases!!


Rahul T. said...

Hello JB, thanks fro elaborate comment. Its interesting what you say here. So what do you think, are we better of now? & What should/may be Pak's response??

Rahul T. said...

ओसामा बिन लादेन नरक में यमराज से बोला एक USD (य़ूनिवर्सल सब्क्राइबर डायलिंग ) कॉल करनी है |
यमराज - कहाँ
लादेन - पाकिस्तान
यमराज - मिला लो
ओसमा कॉल करने के बाद, कितना बिल हुआ
यमराज - कुछ नहीं
ओसामा - क्यों
यमराज - नरक टू नरक फ्री है

Osama Bin Laden in Hell asks devil that he wants to make an international call
Devil - to where
Osama - Pakistan
Devil - Go ahead
Osama asks devil after the call - How much $$ is it?
Devil - Nothing
Osama - Why?
Devil - It's free Hell to Hell