Monday, May 09, 2011

I am on DIETING... & watched THOR, RIO, King's Speech

You can tell that I am not on diet against movies (but maybe I am on diet of movies). The dieting is against Calories, Carbs & Sugar. I have been on 4 week diet since starting of this month where I am trying to not consume (i.e. eat.. consume sounds like I am a machine... or a FAT guy... which I am not.. totally... not that there's anything wrong with it.. or maybe there is... stop talking!!)
  • NO White Flour & White Rice. So only wheat/brown bread & brown rice.
  • NO Sugar/Sweet. Basically no desserts, chocolates, sweets or sweetened dishes/drinks. Only fruits & honey maybe (& maybe sugar-free stuff??).
  • Less FAT consumption, which I already try. But no Deep Fried stuff or EXTRA Cheese etc.
  • NO ALCOHOL (doesn't applies to me, of course!!)
Had a nice weekend in DC. The weather was mostly nice too, surprisingly (except Friday was kinda cold). Got my teeth deep cleaned (finally). Love the new clean look & I hope I can maintain it. I failed to watch Madmax as well on Netflix cuz streaming sucked on Boltbus (on my trip to DC), otherwise internet was fine. Also went shopping at Leesburg Outlet Mall & bought 2 new pair of shoes, one Bostonian & one Dr Scholls. They both seem very comfy & nice, we'll find out. BTW, here's the movie report:
  • THOR is nice movie. Good special effects, nice action, decent plot & fun movie. Chris (this guy has some abs on him & good bod.... eww) looks good as Thor, Natalie is sweet as usual & it seems interesting prep-work for The Avengers. I do think Iron Man was a better movie than this, but it goes well along lines of HULK etc. - 7/10
  • RIO is FUN. It's a nice fun family movie & very well done. George Lopez, Craig Robinson, Jamie Fox & Tracy Morgan are really good in their character's voices. - 7/10
  • King's Speech has great performances which is awesome. Story line is ofcourse kinda expected but it's still fun to watch the movie. Inspiring (maybe) & pleasure to watch movie. (Basically more B/S about ROYALS, if you hadn't had enough dose yet) - 8/10
So... that was my weekend. Hope you had fun as well. Keep visiting/reading & checking/commenting. Refer your friends & family & everyone else to read. Make it POPULAR, more POPULAR.... & have a wonderful time in great weather (I hope you have great weather)... until next time JAI HO!!!

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