Wednesday, October 05, 2011

RIP Steve.. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died :-(

Steve Job's dead.. & I never got to meet him.. never got to say thanks to him. to tell him that how his speech below inspired me.. motivated me.. & raised my respect for him to highest levels. Before this, I thought of him as just another Technology master/guru of Silicon Valley, the Apple co-founder, who was great businessman & a sharp/smart guy of course. A guy who has created such royalty with his brand that he can afford to charge ridiculous amounts of money for his products & people will blindly buy it. An arrogant & obnoxious & proud person maybe. & so I never bought or owned an Apple product, for that same reason. Did I ever doubt quality & superiority of Apple products, not really..

But Steve Jobs is not just Apple co-founder, the leader of a technology giant. He was an innovator, a thinker, a scientist, a leader, a true visionary. He changed the way people look at personal computers, even though he was not the first person to invent GUI in computers. He changed the way people use portable music players, even though he didn't invent mp3 players. He changed the way people use phones, even though he was not the first to come up with a touch screen phone device. He changed the way people look at hand held tablets, even though many including me thought it was a stupid idea. Why would anyone want another device to hang on to when we have smart-phones & net-books. Why?? But.. what do we know? He was the visionary behind all this. He was the one who either knew it will work or definitely was the one who was ready to take that chance/risk of bringing it to people & it worked. Worked very well I guess.... He was a genius of User Experience & User Interface. He converted existing ordinary/mediocre/popular ideas/devices into a new invention by his excellent UE/UI enhancements & innovations and made these things just unbelievably awesome. He changed the the way we use any of these devices. He changed the World!!

Today, he's dead. But he accomplished so much in his life. He lived the life of "Steve Jobs". Regardless of all the challenges & difficulties, he did SO much. But he's still alive & will be for years to come.. in our hands, in our pockets, in our bags, on our desks, in our offices, in our living rooms, bedrooms, homes and everywhere around us. He'll be always alive in our hearts.... RestInPeace Steve, RestInPeace :-|

Not that it's anything important.. but I think I'll buy some Apple products now. Just as my tribute to Steve Jobs & support for his brain-child Apple..

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