Monday, September 19, 2011

Qwikster: The New Old Netflix

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings wrote a letter to me & blogged this yesterday explaining why this DVD vs streaming split happened. It has been making me mad how they increased the prices by splitting services in two. But I eventually decided to keep both because nothing can beat Netflix DVD/Blu-ray collection & I Blu-ray is AWESOME on my Awesome HD TV. Although lately the netflix's disk shipping has been very slow & disappointing. Netflix streaming is pretty awesome & convenient too as I can just play & watch on my PS3 anytime I want. So, both are good. But as per last night, the old netflix of disk shipping will be renamed to Qwikster and the Streaming service will be called Netflix. Qwikster will include video games & will remain pretty much same except new website & little more hassle for user. Seems like an attempt to divorce the DVD business by branding it separately & letting it live or die. Netflix streaming is supposed to have lot more great things coming, soon. So, i'll stick to both & wait & watch what happens next. I still love/hate NETFLIX/QWIKSTER.

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