Saturday, April 04, 2009

You are LIFE of the Team...

My manager Parasu said this for me in a Casual 360 Feedback we had yesterday, I did expect something good but not something so awesome. How did I feel... Amazing & very-very Happy! of course!! Others had there own views about me... like I am very sharp person, I am smart, I am cool but intelligent and intellectual (i guess people expect Intellectuals to be uncool & boring, I am not). I was also told that I am very friendly, quite approachable and have solutions for almost anything & everything for the team. Also that I am the coolest, most efficient, amazing & best person they ever met and all of them love & idolize me (yeah-yeah, I might be exaggerating at a few places. but so what, its my blog yaar!!). Feedback & Appreciation are very important in Life, not just at work or outside but in our personal lives as well. It's important to get and give the right feedback to your friends & family and make sure you know how things are going and how you are faring at it. It's nice to say a few words of appreciation at the right moments for your loved ones & let them know how much you appreciate them being in your life & how thankful you are. Thanks a lot everyone, Thanksss!!!
TRM Training was a nice experience (had to be, how many times you get paid to get trained & study!!) & I really learnt a lot. I put a lot of myself in these trainings and really worked hard (to not sleep, lol). It was a great team and I would definitely miss it; my manager is a nice guy & I really admire him too (he might be reading the blog so had to say this, lol... ohh, hope he's not reading this!!). It makes a lot of difference if you have the right kind of team & leadership around you, it gives you the right opportunity & energy to perform & grow. And ofcourse it's important to love what you are doing (atleast you have to not hate it...). Now we would be moving on to a new project & looking forward for good times in future (urgh, this is what TRM training does to you and you start talking of Forwards & Futures... grrr!!). Everything else is just cool, nothing special happened. I was on Navratri Vrat which got over on Friday, did all days fasting this time which was cool, Jai Mata Di!!. Alright boys n girls and dear friends, that's it for now. Please keep blogging & keep reading my blogs (& COMMENT to let me know of your views). This is RAHUL saying, Good Bye & Good Luck... JAI HO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

good stuff rahul.

Rahul T. said...

Thanks Mr Anonymous (Ganesh)!!