Thursday, November 26, 2009


If you guys are wondering what I did this Thanksgiving... I didn't do anything. Except the fact that I had to work, but I didn't; I worked next day though. My best Thanksgiving meal was in LA I would say; & then I went to Las Vegas too. It was 2 years back & it was really fun, I spent more than $3000 in 3 days, YEAH!!! I guess Vegas is always festive & fun, round the year. And really, you do not need a day to be thankful or to celebrate. Everyday with friends & family could be Thanksgiving. But it's good to take an opportunity to thank the people whom you should. Me... I am honestly not feeling thankful to anyone at the the moment right now, except YOU who is reading this. So some fun facts & trivia about Thanksgiving for you...
1. The first Thanksgiving celebration in 1621 lasted for three days, it included not only food, but also games. Furthermore, the Pilgrims gave thanks for the bountiful harvest with the Wampanoag Indians.
2. Pulling the "wishbone" is an ageless tradition at Thanksgiving (and Christmas). Two people pull the
turkey's breastbone apart, only the person who has the larger piece of bone is allowed to make a wish.
3. A full-grown turkey has over 3,000 feathers.
4. Firkee is the Native American name for this tasty bird. Firkee sounds a bit like turkey.
5. When a Tom turkey [male turkey] gobbles, it can be heard from as far away as a mile. In fact, only the Tom turkeys gobble, female turkeys make a clucking or clicking sound.
6. Puritans from the Mayflower used to drink beer. This was probably weak 'boy's beer' and safer to drink than transporting water on a ship.
7. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October in Canada.
Benjamin Franklin, proposed that the turkey should become the official bird of the United States. Turkeys now look jealously at the protected rights given to the Bald Eagle when they won the Official USA Bird status.
9. 87% of Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving according to the National Turkey Federation. During a year the average American eats 17 pounds of turkey, that's the weight of a decent sized bird.
10. Sorry to burst the bubble, but the
Pilgrims on the first thanksgiving ate deer and not turkey.

T ... Turkeys, table-spreads, being together
H ... Happiness and homes to protect us from all weather
A ... Aunts and uncles, a reunion in Fall
N ... Nieces and nephews, family members all
K ... Kind-hearted kin coming over for dinner
S ... Surely you'll have fun, but you won't get thinner
G... Gourds and pumpkins, mouths open wide
I ... Indians and Pilgrims we remember with pride
V ... Very special times-there could even be snow
I ... Imagine what it was like at Plymouth long ago
N... Never forget how the settlers led the way
G... Giving thanks and blessing this special day

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