Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Five weeks

Yeah friends & all, I completed 5 long weeks in Kansas City. This is coming very late and wanted to write for so long but anyways, now it comes…

These 5 weeks have been nice, better than I expected actually. One of my friends was saying that if you keep low expectations from something, even the least they give will make you happy because you never expected it. Higher expectations are one of the major causes of disappointment in life… very true!! (However, someone also said that high expectations and targets motivate you to push yourself harder and perform better… very true too. These philosophers and people said so many contradictory things which all seems true and they are called smart… if we do the same we are stupid, huh!!!).

Anyways, as I didn’t expect much from Kansas because everyone told me it’s a boring place; it turned out pretty well for me. It’s a nice green place with beautiful landscapes. Weather is kind of unpredictable as I told last time, could be rainy or sunny anytime. And of course bad tornados & stuff; I was told that the place I am in, Overland Park/Kansas City is safe but the places little far away can be terrible. I have not been to a lot of places around, except a few decent parks, movie theatres, malls, downtown etc. May be I’ll plan something in this coming long weekend, let’s see…

When I came here I was staying in Homestead Studio Suites Hotel, the most terrible hotel I have stayed in US. Bugs in the room, AC doesn’t work and staff not very friendly. Had to stay there for 4 weeks, which wasn’t a lot of fun. Now I moved into an apartment with a roommate, which is definitely better. And hey, I got a car (just rented) too. It’s a 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt this time which is okay. As I am not a big driving enthusiast, I can’t say I am having lots of fun driving (I guess I am too used to chauffer driven cars!!), but its okay. I would get some other nice car next time. Gas is very expensive these days, so that’s another not so fun part of it (and I mean Gasoline, i.e. petrol. Americans tend to say everything different than whole world I guess).

Other news is that I got my promotion. I am happy for it. Some things give you lot more happiness and pleasure when they happen at a particular expected time; but anyways, better late than never. Thanks to my parent’s blessings, god’s grace and well wishes of all my loved one’s like you…. Thanks a lot!!! (trust me this was a very short speech, i didn't thank my dog, my bus/cab driver, my neigbours, and tons of other people. I am always ready for a long thank you speech like stars, but maybe i'll do it in a seperate blog sometime...)

I thought I had so much to say but can’t think of much right now. So I would stop it for now and would try to be more regular from next time onwards. Until then keep blogging & keep reading my blogs. This is RAHUL again saying, Good Bye & Good Luck!!!

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