Thursday, November 29, 2012

No bloody crime in NYC for first time

NYC sees day of no violent crime... Can you believe that? It's first time that New York City has had a day of no violent bloody crimes. WOW, Congrats New York & New Yorkers!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Another honor killing in India.. Satyamev not so Jayate??

TOI: Man featured in Aamir Khan's show murdered ... I didn't watch this episode of Satyamev Jayate completely but I would. But can you really imagine stuff like this still happening in our society. I mean, honestly I can imagine it & believe it but I cannot understand or agree with it at all. In a democracy, with law & order we have people not following the law. And that's just BS & unacceptable. There are social & cultural norms & family traditions and all that but none of that should be above the constitution & law & freedom of choice aka free will. If two people want to get married and there families do not understand or accept it, its there personal decision. Its unfortunate for both the couple & parents & even the family to not be able to share the joy of this union & beginning of new life for there loved ones. But that's a personal choice, personal decision and life is not perfect. But no one has right to take law in there own hands, forget about heinous crime like murder or honor killing. That's just plain stupid. What do you get out of it? Seriously? Killing your loved ones, your family or there loved ones.. for picking there own life partner.. wow, that's just ridiculous. Isn't it painful/punishment enough for the newly wed couple to not have family support & blessings & love. And same for parents & family of couple. Relationships are complicated and so are weddings and beginning of new relationships. But we really need to grow up as a society to deal with these situations in a more civilized & human way. And until we can't its responsibility of the police & government to make sure that in a democracy like India, freedom of choice, liberty, human rights & free will is preserved.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Facebook and data privacy

TOI: Stop posting this Facebook message, it's a hoax! .. I was on Facebook but I am lemurly on there any more and not even very active. Why? Cuz I don't want to be an online social creature and I am afraid of my privacy as well. I haven't put any pics on there for a while because I was told that they own you r pictures.. plus people can steal your pictures. Does it really matter? Don't know but I want my data to be mine & just mine. Once its online like that, who knows who does what to it. This whole hoax about putting this "Berner Convention" thing on your wall is BS, as per the TOI article. Facebook & other social networking sites are doing there "best" to protect your data but remember  the reason its free is because they have your data & they use it. Plus others can do whatever they want. So, we are responsible for our own privacy.. Good Luck!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style 'most viewed video'... When I saw this first time I thought this was stupid, I think that I still think its stupid. But.. what do I know? It's number one video on youtube, most watched ever.. although what does that really mean? If he got a cent for every view he'll be a multi-millionaire.. but he doesnt get anything for any view (i think) but good for his career or whatever. So, if you have not wacthed it yet, go & add a little more to his views..

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving.. & Life Of Pi (9/10)

Watched Life Of Pi today, in 3D. It's spectacular, visually & as a movie as well. Its story of an Indian boy named Piscine Molitor Patel aka Pissing Patel aka Pi Patel; who believes in 33 million Hindu Gods, Jesus & Allah all together so he can be closer to god. But one day he gets struck by a sea storm which takes away his family & everything from him leaving him on a boat stuck with Richard Parker a Bengal Tiger. Irrfan Khan as adult Pi is narrating the story, so you know he'll survive. But its still an interesting & captivating tale of fighting, struggling & surviving with some amazing visuals & great cinematography. Irrfan, Tabu & Adil Hussain are great and Suraj Sharma is fine too. I miss Tobey Maguire not being in the movie & did not know that Gerard Depardieu was a big actor but whatever.. Go watch it & Enjoy!!

& yes.. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Terrorist and militant Kasab... Western media calling him Gunman? Seriously??

I hope this was funny, but its not. Why is western media from Europe to America is calling him a gunman?? Are you f*king kidding me. This evil Pakistani militant sponsored by Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Taiba, the terrorist group; killed so many people in plain sight. Lashkar is giving statements for him who h clearly tells he is a militant and terrorist from that terrorist group. And his villagers are upset which tells he is Pakistani. Pakistan should take ownership for him. I have nothing against Pakistan as a nation but everything against a terrorist, a killer and his evil. So come on western media, grow up and be honest and truthful. Any attack on your land and your soil is terror attack, but this clear act of terror by this terrorist Kasab is not visible to you? Let's not play these game of words and be open, honest and fight war against terror together.

FYI.. After 4 years of drama and delay, Kasab was hanged and finally put to justice.

Mumbai attacks gunman executed

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Freedom of Speech in India

Facebook arrest woman 'shocked'

So I'm back after long because of this, had to say or write something. India its the largest democracy in the world with constitution & law & all that in place and you see this. People can't speak their mind, there heart. Are you kidding me? I'm glad that at least there its noise from media and even other prominent people. But this happening in our city its extremely unfortunate and total BS. I'm in America and you see the importance of free speech. There are down side to it and you may not want to but others feelings. But in a free city we all should have right to express our thought and feelings. If you don't understand or agree you are free to make counter-arguments. But trying to use power or enforce law over this is completely unacceptable. Lets make sure we keep making boss against such things and make our nation a great democracy it is and better and best!!