Thursday, June 21, 2012

Making The Bus Monitor Cry.. But why are we paying for her vacation??

So, I just saw this & this is really bad of course. We never had such problems growing up. Kids respected elders & seniors. I'm not sure how it is now. But this was instilled in us by parents & teachers & everyone. Showing respect to elderly, helping them if needed, offering our seats in bus/train etc etc.. I've seen this behavior in kids in US and its really pathetic. Fault of parents, school & society to not be able to inflict proper manners and behavior. These kids should be properly punished and taught a lesson to not only for them, but to set an example for others. And we as a society should take responsibility to grow our younger generation into better human beings.. On a second note, I saw this campaign to get this poor lady a vacation. Almost $200,000 as of right now & still 30 days left. Really? So that's the idea to teach lesson to those kids & set an example?? People are dying of hunger, heat, cold etc etc in different parts of world. They need more help or this poor lady for vacation?? We don't seem to be as concerned about fixing this problem so thousands & millions of other victims of this can stop suffering. Why do we think more about compensating the victim than fixing the problem and making a better world for everybody. Think about it..

(please read the comments to see what people are saying here & my views further..)


Anonymous said...

If you don't want to donate, don't donate. It's that simple.
The vacation goal was obviously met and people just want to help this lady out. It's their money. Don't tell them how to spend it and don't try to make anyone feel bad for doing a good deed.

Anonymous said...

Says the person asking for $ to support their blog? Smh. Of COURSE there is need everywhere in the world but come on. I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion and all, but to disparage the good will people are showing toward this lady? That's absolutely unnecessary. And, in addition, who's to say what or how much these people might donate to other charitable causes? Just some food for thought that should be considered before trying to criticize what this fundraiser is trying to accomplish...

Rahul T. said...

Hi Anonymouses. Thanks for your comments!!

I didn't donate. Good deed? Umm, you could be doing better deeds with your money, why not shoot for that. But at the end of the day, its your money & you can use it as you want. But if someone can try to make people feel bad and make them give money, other can try to make them feel bad (or not required) to give money. People really do not seem to be as concerned about doing something to fix behavior of these kids and our young generation. In my opinion, its better to collect money and raise a fund and invest in better schools, better teachers to build a better society.

I am glad at least we all see that there is a problem!!

Rahul T. said...

BTW, haven't got any donations on my blog so far :) & I don't get paid to write it either.. & i'm not even expecting anyone to pay.. not asking for vacations.. but as we said. people are free to use there money ass they like ;) & so far no one has felt a need to buy me a vacation or a even a candy.. but if they do, i wouldn't say no.. sure Karen isn't saying no either.. LOL

Rahul T. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

just curious how you would prioritize which charities/funds are worth donating to and which aren't.

is it more important to fund schools or cure cancer? more important to help end AIDS in Africa or to provide food and medical help to refugees?

everyone has their own personal, subjective priorities in terms of what they care about and what causes they want to support in life. sure, this instance of support for karen is blowing up because of the visceral reaction people had when watching the video combined with the enormous and rapid publicity as well as how sympathetic she is as a person. either way, i don't know why i'm writing this since i don't know you but you seem to be intelligent enough to know that the issue is much more complicated than you want to paint it.

Anonymous said...

Being a bully is not new...Yes, my parents would have whip me pretty bad for if I did anything disrespectful to someone else. She did not ask for it, someone thought it would be a nice gesture, and of course many people agreed.
Nothing is stopping you from your own improve the world. So rather then putting others down, pick yourself up and do something.

Anonymous said...

LOL wow. It's as if you're saying Karen ASKED for the money. No... just no. So what if she's getting the money? Good for her then, she deserves it all! Besides, why complain in the first place if you're just going to say 'by the end of the day, it's your money,' then isn't this whole blog pointless to begin with?! Haha... you're hilarious.

Rahul T. said...

Well, I strongly believe there are better causes than paying for someone's vacation. Right on that same website. On this issue, I think focus should be to fix the problem not just compensate the victim.

Rahul T. said...

NO complains.. just expressing my view on the issue!! Karen hasn't asked for money. Nice of her. She seems a very nice, kind and great person. Its the campaigner and people who are so focused on buying her vacation that they are forgetting how important it is to resolve the root cause. Looking at her, i feel she would prefer to get a sincere apology and see the younger generation move in better direction..

Weezy said...

Rahul, you're coming off as jealous. Ellen and Oprah give gifts to people they feel sorry for all the time. People will always judge as to whether a person is worthy, when instead they should be asking, what have I done to make the world a better place. Kindness, compassion, and a good deed, regardless of it's form, should never be criticized.

Weezy said...

Rahul, you're coming off as jealous. Ellen and Oprah give gifts to people they feel sorry for all the time. People will always judge as to whether a person is worthy, when instead they should be asking, what have I done to make the world a better place. Kindness, compassion, and a good deed, regardless of it's form, should never be criticized.

Rahul T. said...

Hi Weezy, thanks for comment (finally a person with name). I am not jealous, at all. I'm just concerned on our mentality about how we have taught Americans to transform sympathy, support and revulsion into transferable dollars. George Zimmerman certainly found that out when his defense fund began brimming over with contributions. How our mentality is to compensate the victim than to do anything real to solve the problem. Good Luck to Karen but what about hundreds & thousands (or probably more) of others who are suffering through same pain. How they are less deserving? And why we are not concerned with doing something to eliminate there pain? No one has answered that yet

Rahul T. said...

Another interesting post about this

Weezy said...

You're looking to deep into this. It started as a nice gesture by Max. He set a goal at $5k to send a lady who he (like most of Americans) had a personal connection with. You don't know what the positive outcome from the overwhelming support will be. Max has been talking to Karen about using some of the money toward anti-bullying projects.

And it's not saying that a little boy needing a liver transplant is less important. It's about love. The video made a connection to people. They felt her pain and wanted to make it better.

You could say the same about Christmas gifts. Why do Americans give each other gifts when that money could be used toward the hungry and needy.

It's the personal connection. They will give to Karen and walk past a homeless man because of the personal connection.

Just me thought.

Unknown said...

There is a reason why this has grown so quickly in social media and in the news. Compassion. Yes, there are thousands of other causes to donate to.. I love the fact that this is happening for Karen. I donate to several other charities but this one touched my heart. I think they should raise 1 million.. 500k for Karen, and 500k to put the students who did this in a part of the world that makes these children understand how good they have it, and how other countries respect their elders. (I'm being too nice here). I would also like the additional 500k to be used for a campaign budget to show other children consequences of belligerent behavior. While I don't necessarily agree with your blog subject, I commend you for raising the issue to obtain community feedback for a solution(s) . Probably good ideas, but too be honest, I would have no idea how to implement.. so while my response may be well thought out, the operational plan to execute is for shit.. :)

Unknown said...

There is a reason why this has grown so quickly in social media and in the news. Compassion. Yes, there are thousands of other causes to donate to.. I love the fact that this is happening for Karen. I donate to several other charities but this one touched my heart. I think they should raise 1 million.. 500k for Karen, and 500k to put the students who did this in a part of the world that makes these children understand how good they have it, and how other countries respect their elders. (I'm being too nice here). I would also like the additional 500k to be used for a campaign budget to show other children consequences of belligerent behavior. While I don't necessarily agree with your blog subject, I commend you for raising the issue to obtain community feedback for a solution(s) . Probably good ideas, but too be honest, I would have no idea how to implement.. so while my response may be well thought out, the operational plan to execute is for shit.. :)

Rahul T. said...

Hi Weezey, welcome back & thanks for commenting/elaborating. I still stick to my original point of the fact that why compensate than try to fix problem? Why do we have such mentality? Is it more important to buy Karen a vacation as a compensation of what she's been going through or to fix the problem of the kids who are causing this to her and many other kids like them. The whole young generation..

Why we buy gifts? Cuz we expect gifts back.. Most of us do.. Buying gifts for your loved ones is different from charity or helping people.

$5K target for vacation was nice. I do hope Mike & Karen are talking about using this humongous amount for more than just her vacation. To help society & give back as return to gesture people have shown to her.

I'm glad that at least people are concerned & talking about it & trying to do something. hopefully some good will come out of it for everyone..

Rahul T. said...

Hi Mike, welcome here. Thanks for reading & commenting (twice!!, i have some moderation so i've to publish these comments).

I agree that the biggest thing should be that people are paying attention to this & hopefully we are able to raise enough awareness so as to stop such behavior or work together to do things to be? not sure..

Community service at elderly home for these kids. maybe some therapy too, for them & there parents & School teachers.. there parents should buy a vacation for Karen and all this collected money should go towards anti-bullying and other campaigns/projects to help seniors.

Just my ideas. Implementation? dunno.. But, atleast we are talking. Hope we can be "compassionate" towards the generation we are raising and build a better society and better world!!